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Jones Act Lawyer in Sugar Land

Representing Seamen & Crew After Maritime Accidents

Maritime employees are often subject to strenuous working conditions. The Jones Act ensures that seamen and crew are provided with adequate training, safety equipment, and a seaworthy vessel. When an employer violates the Jones Act, they must be held accountable for their negligence or intentional wrongdoing.

Maritime and admiralty law is unique. In order to bring a successful claim for damages, you need an attorney who is well-versed in the Jones Act as well as state and federal regulations that govern maritime activities. Attorney Jacob Karam is a fierce trial lawyer and skilled litigator who has done extensive work with victims injured in maritime accidents. If you are injured at sea, you need an attorney with the experience and resources to get you the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact the Karam Law Office today for a free consultation.


The Jones Act was passed as part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. Named for its sponsor Senator Wesley R. Jones, the legislation puts forward several requirements regarding vessels carrying goods in the United States. As noted by the Transportation Institute, the Jones Act requires vessels that are carrying goods between U.S. ports to be:

  • “owned by U.S. companies that are controlled by U.S. citizens with at least 75 percent U.S. percent ownership;
  • At least 75 percent crewed by U.S. citizens;
  • Built (or rebuilt) in the United States;
  • Registered in the United States.”

In addition to these requirements, the Jones Act offers protections to the crew aboard these vessels. The Jones Act enables seamen that are injured or killed in the course of employment to bring a cause of action against their employer.


According to 46 U.S.C. §30104, “A seaman injured in the course of employment, or if the seamen dies from the injury, the personal representative of the seaman may elect to bring a civil action at law, with the right of trial by jury, against the employer.” 

While the term seaman is not defined by statute, multiple courts have determined that the rights extend to maritime workers who are “regularly exposed to the perils of the sea,” but just what that entails has been left up to the courts to decide.  A leading Sugar Land Jones Act Attorney can argue whether you should be classified as a “seaman” and therefore entitled to recovery.

Boat Accidents That Can Trigger The Jones Act

  • Slip and Falls: Accidents caused by slippery decks, stairs, or other hazards aboard a vessel.
  • Fires and Explosions: Accidents resulting from fires or explosions on a vessel, often due to negligence or unsafe conditions.
  • Collisions: Accidents involving collisions with other vessels, docks, or objects, which can lead to injuries to seamen.
  • Equipment Failure: Accidents caused by malfunctioning or defective equipment, such as winches, cranes, or machinery.
  • Falls Overboard: Accidents where a seaman falls overboard, often due to lack of proper safety measures or negligence.
  • Chemical Exposure: Accidents involving exposure to hazardous chemicals or substances while working aboard a vessel.
  • Weather-Related Accidents: Accidents caused by severe weather conditions, such as storms or high winds, which can lead to injuries aboard a vessel.
  • Sinking or Capsizing: Accidents involving the sinking or capsizing of a vessel, which can result in injuries or fatalities to seamen.


If you are injured aboard a vessel, you deserve compensation. You need a smart, aggressive lawyer who understands what it takes to win a case and collect. Contact the Karam Law Office today to speak with an experienced maritime attorney who will not rest until you get the most favorable outcome in your case.

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